Ladies, Wine & Design

Ladies, Wine &

A conversation series
for Creatives in Bern

A salon night for a limited number of Creatives. We'll wine (or whatever we can get our hands on) and have casual conversations on a wide variety of topics relating to creativity, business, and life. If you’re a female creative and would like to join an evening, please do email me.

19.Januar 2024, 19.00 Uhr Neujahrs-Schlemmen im le beizli

Ein Tisch voller kreativer Menschen im neuen Jahr: Im le beizli kommen wir zu einem unbeschwerten und gemütlichen Abend zusammen.

Bist du dabei? Dann melde dich gerne bis 11. Januar 2024 bei uns an.

Preis pro Person ohne Getränke: CHF 45.-

Bitte informiere uns bei der Anmeldung über allfällige Unverträglichkeiten, damit das le-beizli-Team darauf eingehen kann.

Yeahi, wir freuen uns darauf, das neue Jahr mit dir zu starten.


Nov, 9, 6.30pm Atelier-Talk Hahn+Zimmermann

The inspiring graphic office Hahn+Zimmermann is opening its doors for the Ladies, Wine & Design Bern Atelier-Talk:

For 15 years, Hahn+Zimmermann has been creating, visualizing, and experimenting with their team of experts in the fields of design and concept development, data visualization, illustration, and animation/motion graphics.

Are you in? Then grab your calendar and sign up with us:

Thursday, November 9, 2023
Marktgasse 36, Bern
Doors open at 6:15 PM
starting at 6:30 PM

The number of participants is limited. Please register here.

Thanks to the generous support from Hahn+Zimmermann, the studio talk will be free of charge.

Aug, 17, 6.00pm Summer-Apéro

The summer has certainly got us all in its grip. Therefore, it's time to see each other again.

Because it's been far too long already! Let the glasses clink and the conversations flow:

August 17, 2023
Starting at 6:00 PM
@Werkstadt Lorraine

Register here or via Instagram and enjoy a casual evening full of inspiring conversations.

We're looking forward to seeing all of you!
Esther & Pia

Feb, 13, 7pm Studio visit chez Clémentine Bern

A beautiful mindset, a strong connection, a deep understanding in collaboration and a wonderful location: that's Clémentine Bern! Listen to the story of how it started and why they are where they are today.

We'll chat and enjoy ourselves over Apéro and explore their lovely store after the talk.

Places are limited, please register yourself here. First come, first serve.

WHERE: Clémentine Bern Postgasse 56a
3011 Bern

WHEN: 7 p.m

PRICE: Collection

Nov, 28, 7pm La Grande Bouffe

Just before December knocks on the door, let's sit together in cozy «Restaurant du Nord» on a long table full of creative women and chat about anything on our mind before pre x-mas hustle strikes again.

Please write to your reservation if you are vegan, vegetarian or have any food intolerances.

La Grand Bouffe dinner will cost CHF 48.– per person exklusive drinks, but you are free to order from the menu as well.

Oct, 17, 7pm Kick-off Bern

Bring your best October mood, curiosity and some expectations for the first Ladies, Wine and Design Kick-Off in Bern. It's all about getting to know each other and have a great evening over some delicious wine.

Jun, 20, 7pm Apéro-Time

Wie die Zeit schon wieder durchs Jahr rennt! Damit wir uns vor lauter toller Events nicht aus den Augen verlieren:

Save the date: Donnerstag, 20. Juni 2024

Wir treffen uns irgendwo in unserem schönen Bern (Location wird noch bekannt gegeben) zum Feierabend-Apéro.

Bist du dabei? Wir würden uns freuen! Melde dich bitte kurz an.

Jessica Walsh started Ladies, Wine & Design in New York after doing a lot of thinking and reading on why there are so few female Creative Directors. She believes we can create change through mentorship and championing each others' work.

Ladies, Wine & Design Bern shares the goal to support each other and foster creativity amongst each other. It's about get together, share thoughts, foster healthy relationships, support each other through mentorship and experiences.

Our space is inclusive of all women, non-binary, agender and gender non-conforming people. Self-definition is at the sole discretion of that individual. If you feel you could benefit from a space meant for people to share ideas and collaborate, you are welcome.

Numbers show that there's a very small percentage of women leading the creative industry. However, we find the people we're inspired by most are often other talented ladies. Here are some women who are part of our Ladies Wine & Design Bern network. Get inspired!