Talk - 12 Feb '25
27# Setting form, forming settings
Join us as we explore the internationally focused practice of the type and graphic design studio Formal Settings. In this talk, the studio will showcase a selection of recent projects, offering insights into their unique design approach.
Discover how Formal Settings seamlessly integrates typography and graphic design, emphasizing their reciprocal relationship at the heart of their creative process.
Based in Berlin and Copenhagen, Formal Settings specializes in typographically driven visual communication and publications. They collaborate with a diverse range of international clients, primarily in the fields of art and culture.
Talk – 07 Nov '24
26# Fra ord til form
Ved hjælp af den nye metode, ’Fra ord til form’, kan designere nu blive styrket i at argumentere for den værdi, et visuelt koncept tilfører et kommunikationsprodukt.
Metoden er udviklet på baggrund af evidensbaseret forskning, teoretiske modeller fra retorik og psykologi samt fra praktisk erfaring med grafisk design. Oprindeligt var hensigten at skabe et analytisk værktøj til idégenerering og -udvælgelse.
Denne aften giver en introduktion til metoden og dens to værktøjer gennem en blanding af teori, eksempler, case-gennemgange og små øvelser.
Masterclass - 19, 26 September & 3 October '24
25# Build the creative career you want w. Matilde Digmann
How to manifest in career by taking chances and following your fear.
In this Masterclass you’ll uncover which kind of creative business you truly want and then dive into exactly how to reach your goals.
You don’t need to be doing it full-time or even want to end up with a full-time business. Side-hustlers are welcome!
Samtale salon - 14. august
24# Lydmor 'Jeg har tænkt mig at skrige hele vejen'
Multikunstneren Lydmor alias Jenny Rossander debuterer med romanen ‘Jeg har tænkt mig at skrige hele vejen’. Derfor bliver vores næste event en intim samtale salon med teamet ‘at skrive’.
Deltage i en uformel og intim aften med 8 kreative, orange vin og ærlige snakke om arbejdet med at forfatte tekster.
Lydmor vil fortælle om de mindset hun tilgår skriveri på og hvilke skridt der har været afgørende i hendes 4 årige process med at få skabt en roman.
Herefter vil der være en åben diskussion, hvor alle deltagerne deler deres egne erfaringer og udfordringer med at skrive.
Skriv en mail eller kontakt os på Instagram med en kort besked om, hvorfor du gerne vil deltage.
Talk – 24 June '24
23# Norm-critical creativity
The creative industry produces, consciously and unconsciously, stories and images that create and set the norm. As creatives and mediators, we must therefore be extra cautious of which stereotypes, norms and narratives we maintain, challenge and produce.
Sophie Gevind from Public Service provides tips, tricks, insight, and understanding for the norm-critical approach to creativity and communication.
Masterclass - 27 May & 10 June '24, 19:00 - 21:00
22# Fandenivoldskhed som Forandringskraft
Brænd igennem - personligt, fagligt eller virksomhedsmæssigt.
Vi har alle dén flamme der brænder i os - fandenivoldskheden - en indre driver der kan skabe forandringer i alle skalaer.
I denne Masterclass serie dykker Stine Moeslund Sivertsen ned i fandenivoldskhed som et nutidigt begreb, og som en positiv forandringsdriver der kan antænde og accellere de aspekter i livet hvor vi ønsker at rykke ved noget.
Ti kreative ladies får muligheden for at hylde deres indre galskab, deres egne oprør og sammen tjekke ind i deres jernvilje, dristighed og trodsighed.
Talk - 14 May '24, 19:00-22:00
21# Jeg var din muse
Tegneserieforfatteren bag "Sexmagasinet Vol. 1" er klar med endnu en udgivelse. Sofie Riise Nors fortæller om den kreative process i skabelsen af den grafisk novelle, "Jeg var din Muse".
Her giver Sofie mikrofonen til kvinder, der har stået i skyggen af mænd og deres kunst. Hermed retter Riise Nors også den kritiske linse mod de mænd, der har udnyttet og misbrugt kvinder i “kunstens navn”, og under dække af at kalde dem sine muser.
Jeg var din muse undersøger, hvad det vil sige at være nogens muse og hvilke fordele og farer der er i at være objektet for andres kreativitet.
Talk - 10. April '24, 19:00-22:00
20# Parenthood Power and New Business Babies
Becoming a parent doesn’t mark the end of your career. In fact, being away from the office on parental leave can make you a more empathetic, loyal, and motivated business partner.
Leh Rosenkrands, Le Bureau, will share her personal story of having a boy and a new business baby.
Leh is an architect and wayfinding expert. Co-founder and partner of the strategic design agency Le Bureau. She creates design that influences how people behave and experience spaces and places, through identity and wayfinding design.
Conference - 16. November '23, 17:30-22:30
19# Woman in Type
Are you looking to take a deep dive into type design?
We are bringing together the most significant contributors to the Danish typography scene to explore the art, science, and collaboration in type design today.
18:00 – 19:00 Community dinner
19.15 – 19:45 The Science of Type w. Sofie Beier
20:00 – 20:30 Typedesign – Custom Made w. Trine Rask
20:45 – 21:15 The Collaborative Types w. Linda Hintz
21:30 – 22:30 Hello fellow nerds
Tickets include, free bar, community dinner & 3 speakers
Talk - 25. October '23, 19:00-22:00
18# Building a brand for brands
For once... Let's discuss what it really takes to build a personal brand and a thriving business while balancing life as a designer, woman, and mother.
Discover the transformative power of design, the keys to establishing a creative agency, and Kristina May's fearless pursuit of change in the Danish creative industry.
Gain insights on how to chase your dreams without losing yourself along the way. Prepare to be inspired and motivated as we uncover the secrets to a sustainable and fulfilling journey.
Ladies Club - 16. October '23, 17:30-19:30
17# Freelancers Connect
Are you looking for a supportive community to help you navigate the ups and downs of freelancing?
We're thrilled to offer a new opportunity for women to connect with other freelancers, talk through the challenges they're facing, and provide support through it all.
We'll help facilitate the first meeting to help you connect with other like-minded freelancers.
We'll provide a space for you to share your experiences, ask questions, and find guidance on the dynamic experience that freelancing is.
Talk - 13. September '23, 19:00-22:00
16# Hvad er stillingen på ligestillingen?
58% af danskerne mener at ligestilling allerede er opnået. Men foredragsholder, Cathrine Berendt mener bestemt ikke det er tilfældet.
Med sin specialisering indenfor kønsforskning på Sociologi på Københavns Universitet begyndte hun at dele nyeste statistikker igennem @kvindekenddinstatistik på Instagram og
Formålet er at aflive alle de sejllivede myter der hersker om ligestilling i Danmark, ved at kortlægge den reelle ligestillingstatus med aktuel forskning og statistik.
Masterclass - 7, 14 & 21 September '23, 19:00 – 21:30
15# Jeg kan godt leve af det w. Matilde Digmann
Unblocking the myth of the starving artist — and building the creative career you want
In this Masterclass we’ll unblock the myth of the starving artist and together we’ll see that it is indeed possible to build a healthy, viable creative business.
We’ll tune into our intuition, learn how to dance with the universe, invest in ourselves and manifest what we want.
Duration: Three evenings sessions
Price: 1200 DKK
Workshop - 22. June '23
14# Conquer LinkedIn, 19:00-22:00
Would you like to become a Linkedin pro?
This workshop will elevate your LinkedIn profile and boost your professional presence!
Our LinkedIn expert, Eva Sache, will teach you how:
– Turn your LinkedIn profile into a display window that inspires the people who visit your profile
– Expand your network in a professional manner
– Become visible in your network with relevant comments and posts
Eva is a LinkedIn expert and social selling specialist with extensive knowledge and experience, especially in LinkedIn and content marketing.
Talk - 24. May '23, 19.00 - 22.00
13# Internetkultur
Vi skal sammen grine og græde over, hvordan forskellige aldersgrupper bruger den digital verden! Art Director og konceptudvikler, Mette Skammeritz, vil give indsigter i forkellige generations adfærd på digitale medier og lærer dig at skabe nærværende og relevant kommunikation.
Din alder fortæller meget om dit digitale tilhørsforhold og din færden på internettet. Sociale medier har gjort det nemmere ende nogensinde at kunne segmentere sine målgrupper, så man kan lave kommunikation der er relevant kun for dem.
Til denne talk vil du få indsigt i de forskellige generationers adfærd på digitale medier, hvordan de agerer på internettet samt generelt om internetkultur.
Talk - 22. March '23, 19.00 - 22.00
12# Wayfinding
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word ‘Wayfinding’? How about ‘Sign’?
Many of us think of signs on the streets, highways, airports, train stations, and even the stores we pass by daily. What if we tell you that wayfinding is way more fun and exciting than that. Wayfinding is beyond the signs we see... or don’t see.
Graphic designer at Urgent.Agency, Rose Marie Zeynoun, will show you how to build wayfinding strategies and designs that are human-centred.
Talk - 08. February '23, 19.00 - 22.00
11# Claydies
Med idébaseret og konceptuelt kunsthåndværk, har Claydies om nogen været foregangskvinder i at forny dansk kunsthåndværk og design. I denne talk vil de fortælle om deres samarbejde og kunstneriske projekter gennem 22 år.
De vil vise eksempler på udvalgte udstillinger og fortælle om deres arbejdsproces og kunstneriske målsætning.
Conversation Salon - 14. December '22, 18.00 - 21.00
10# Roccamore
Join founder and creative director at Roccamore, Frederikke Antoine Schmidt, when she speaks about two topics close to the roccamore heart: the roccamore design process and rebellious campaigns.
You can learn more about the roccamore design process and what it is like to design shoes, have your whole production in Italy, and include your customers in the loop and base your collection on their feedback.
Talk - 9. November '22, 19.00 - 20.30
9# Sonic Sexism
Can you hear the sound of sexism? In this talk we will tune into the sonic world and use our ears to explore how we listen in gendered ways. Anne-Sofie Udsen will take us on a tour:
1. In the cultural soundscape where we will talk about 1950’s hi-fi sound systems as a “battle of the sexes”.
2. Feminized voice assistants and how we speak to them.
3. Gendered noise pollution in urban spaces as a form of “sonic manspreading".
- And everything in between...
Book release - 12. October '22, 19.00 - 22.00
8# Visuel Identitet – designprocessen
The new book Visual Identity – the design process teaches you the special working methods and guides you in the jungle of technical terms you need to know in order to create and work with visual identities like a professional.
Street art tour - 14. August '22, 17.30-19.30
7# Discover the hidden street art in CPH
This event will forever change your perspective on the streets you think you know so well. Our summer special will be a guided street art tour with wine! Walking through the streets of Copenhagen in the company of an art historian unfolding the hidden famous artists of the street-art scene. You will also have the chance to learn about more unknown artists, slightly older art and a few touches on urban planning and landscape architecture.
The tour will start at Kapelvej 44 and end at Bolsjefabrikken, with a little workshop on how to do streetart yourself!
Talk - 8. June '22, 19.00 - 20.30
6# Tiger leaps & Family Crests
Katinka Bukh, art director for Weekendavisen, will talk about the dead ends we as designers run into when we are stereotyped and put into boxes. About tiger leaps and hard landings.
She will tell the story of a redesign that involved a bear changing colour and an eccentric but charming editorial staff.
A redesign that won the title of the most beautiful newspaper in the world.
Conversation salon - 11. May '22, 19.00-21.00
5# Shadowworks
10 rules to create fearless creativity. What creatives do to stay in flow!
Matilde Digmann is a multidisciplinary artist who distilled 10 rules on how to live a happy creative life. After many conversations with creatives and artist she discovered that many of them are opposite to the rules we are brought up to believe about productivity.
This will be an intimate conversation salon for a few ladies. Send us an email at with your name, profession and why you want to join, to get a ticket.
Talk - 20. April '22, 19.00-20.30
4# Rør ved fremtiden
Et indblik i scenarie- og oplevelsesdesign
Fremtiden er fuldstændig ubegribelig. Ikke desto mindre - eller måske netop derfor - er det yderst vigtigt at vi forholder os til den.
Scenariebaseret design kan anvendes som værktøj til at bygge organisationer, der er fleksible og forandringsparate og metoden giver mulighed for at træffe bedre beslutninger lige her og nu.
Talk - 23. Februar '22, 19.00-20.30
3# Kvindeøkonomien
Hvordan kan du som kvinde tage ejerskab og kontrol over din egen økonomi? Kvinder kan have stor indflydelse på hvordan vi kan stille os selv økonomisk stærkere.
Det starter med at vi begynder at interessere os for og tale mere om penge samt bliver mere risikovillige. Et af de områder vi helt sikkert kan blive endnu bedre til er lønforhandling. Det er også den hurtigste og mest effektive måde at lukke det nuværende ”Pay Gap” på.
Conversation Salon – Going freelance
Open Call
We are starting a networking group, to help freelancers find their way as independent creatives. The group will be a space for you to exchange experiences and knowledge: about salaries, client handling, cost estimates and everything else
Send us an email at with a short description of yourself and why you want to join.
Talk - 8. December '21, 19.00-20.30
2# Why we build a feministic company
Equal payment?
Equal office hours?
And no work every second friday?
This is the reality at the gaming studio Triple Topping.
Astrid Refstrup is CEO of the copenhagen-based feminist gaming studio which beliefs in transparency and equality. She will share the Triple Topping public handbook, and the commitments they take to end the gender gap in the games industry.
Talk - 24. November '21, 19.00 - 20.30
#1 You should smile more
Design speaker and graphic designer, Julie Katrine Andersen, will reflect philosophically and scientifically about the dark sides of creativity.
Creativity is seen as an attractive character trait and a necessary competence in the future workplace. But is creativity really such a bed of roses?
Winter/Spring program '21
Open Call
Be a part of the reviving the Copenhagen Chapter! We are putting together a new team of ladies to shape the future of the danish movement.