Ladies, Wine & Design

Ladies, Wine &
Design Guangzhou

A conversation with female creatives
in Guangzhou, China

Ladies, Wine & Design Guangzhou is a community where we engage in discussions on various creative topics, celebrate different ideas, and share inspiring works and experiences. Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals! You can find us on Instagram or RED. If you have any questions please email us at

欢迎加入 Ladies, Wine & Design 广州,和志同道合的朋友们一起讨论创意话题、赞美差异想法和分享鼓舞人心的作品。你可以在 Instagram小红书上找到我们,也可以通过 联系我们。

January 14, 3PM Discovering Creativity at Guangzhou Art Museum

Join us for an exclusive curated visit to the newly opened Guangzhou Art Museum. Whether you're a designer, illustrator, photographer, or brand copywriter, if you're passionate about art exhibitions, this is your chance to immerse yourself in a gamified exhibition experience.

September 13, 8PM Welcome LWD Guangzhou

Get ready for the Ladies, Wine & Design event in Guangzhou! We'll be joined by our guest speaker, Ceci, to discuss topics like communication, branding, and community building!
准备好迎接广州首次的Ladies, Wine & Design活动吧!我们的特邀嘉宾Ceci将与大家探讨沟通、品牌建设和社群构建话题!

LW&D Guangzhou was initiated by our host, Suting, and curated together with our creative members - LPY, Vee, and Melody, who are designers based in Guangzhou. We are greatly inspired by Jessica Walsh's dedication to empowering female creatives, with the aspiration of creating a community of female creatives in Guangzhou, we reached out to her and that's how Ladies, Wine & Design Guangzhou was created.

Ladies, Wine & Design 广州由 Suting、LPY、Vee 和 Melody 共同发起组织。跟 Jessica Walsh 致力于增加女性权益的初衷一致,我们希望在广州也可以建立一个鼓励女性互助,关注个体发展以及重视设计力量的创意社群,这就是 LW&D 广州的由来。

Joining the .1% of Women Founded Creative Agencies
Kill Them With Kindness By Jessica Walsh
Where Are All The Woman Creatives?

Numbers show that there is a very small percentage of women leading the creative industry. However, our greatest sources of inspiration often came from female creatives. Here are some talented ladies who have inspired us:
