Ladies, Wine & Design

Ladies, Wine & Design

A conversation series found by Jessica Walsh,
hosted by Kelly Lee & Kate Chang, that brings together creatives in Taipei.

We host monthly events to gather creative women. We’ll drink, dine, and have casual conversations on a wide variety of topics relating to creativity, business, and life. We want to inspire women and connect them to share creativity. If you’re a female student or creative and would like to join, please email us or follow our Instagram.!

Ladies Wine & Design Taipei Ladies Wine & Design Taipei 定期舉辦以設計為主的女性創意沙龍,希望打造更多的交流機會,分享彼此的創造力和生活。參與者身份可為學生、於設計相關產業工作的女性(心裡女也可)。如果您有興趣參加,歡迎email我們或追蹤我們的Instagram。 期待與您的見面!

MAR.29 2019 Taipei Launch Event



MAy.10 2019 LWD Portfolio Review

這一次的活動為小型聚會,人數限定12位。匯聚了品牌識別設計、 UI/UX、行銷的資深工作者作為Coach,提供輕分享與作品集指導。此外,參與者也能夠為彼此的作品集提供回饋,以客觀的角度協助設計師們打造更棒的作品集。


JUL.27 2019 [Career Key] Build your personal branding

現代人想要找一份工作,不需要侷限在某個區域,越來越多遠距工作雨後春筍般冒出。你是否想藉此過著 work life balance 的理想生活?前提是:必須擁有足夠的自我行銷力,從世界各地的競爭者中脫穎而出。在微醺的週五夜,輕談自我行銷帶來的生活轉變,希望參與者能在放鬆且開放的心態下,好好審視自己的工作與生活。

New York City designer, Jessica Walsh noticed that she is one of very few women creative directors. She believes that we can change that through mentorship and championing others' work. Women control a whopping 80% of consumer spending, yet only 3% of creative directors are female. Learn more about the lack of diversity in the creative industry, & support your fellow lady creatives.